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IDEA v. Derpy Derp-Derp (AKA Todd Marde)

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Mike Finn
RJ: Ben Fuller
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I'm not impressed with argument that because 'stealing' is not listed as against the rules in some wiki page that it is a reasonable way to play this game. It would be nice if the game were structured better to prevent these types of cheats, but it isn't and the continued abuse of the weakness in the game has driven both players and the developer away.
Brent Goode
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– "but the fact is he did not break any rules in this game."

Ahh, but he did. Many are in jail for just that behavior, and "Derp" (I guess he couldn't figure out how to spell "drip") will join them eventually. Let's not make what he did respectable at any level. Just because Scott hasn't seen fit to be engaged in days,(or is it weeks?) doesn't change the precedent here.

As for "Derp" claiming to have fun? I doubt it. He seems more like a bored child that is starting to pull the heads of his dolls. And Ragnar does sound like the bitter fox and his sour grapes. Sorry Rag. Nothing personal, it just comes off that way.
Urist Esterar
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It would be interesting if, when someone liquidates a company owned significantly by robocitizens, and gives all or most of the resulting funds only to themselves, the robocitizens had a chance of refusing to sell any more stocks to that player, perhaps, if they were very significantly cheated, some of them employed by the player might start to slack off, resulting in all buildings being temporarily (days to weeks IRL time) treated as if they were a significantly lower level, such as 60%.
James Melvin
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Some of the most successful owners in this game (and most vocal opponents to liquidating) are rampant bot users. IF that isn't cheating, I dont know what is. I personally like the stock market part of this game - the other game seems empty without it. The fact remains that if you dont want your investment to be taken from you, you need to own a majority share - or at least a big enough share to make a takeover prohibitively expensive. IF you still dont have enough money, just start your own company and take it public, or form a coalition.
Victoria Raverna
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Which one? Most of the vocal opponents here are also vocal opponents of bot usage. They are also not opposed to liquidating, they are opposed to liquidating and then steal the cash.

If you took over a company sell all the properties and inventories then pay out a big dividend to all shareholders to liquidate the company then it is acceptable. If you took over a company sell everything and then buy b2b from your own company at a very high price to transfer the fund out to profit yourself then it is not acceptable.
Mike Finn
RJ: Ben Fuller
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It's not 'liquidating', it's stealing, if Scott hadn't given up on this game, cheaters would be banned.
Nathan Dilday
RJ: ndkid
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"IF you still dont have enough money, just start your own company and take it public, or form a coalition."
Except that one of Scott's last actions before leaving was to make the cost of starting a new company be based on how many you already control. As a result, attempting to acquire public companies is now often a cheaper action, except for how the cessation of activities in the Courts of our fair country means that there is no longer any penalty for people who break the laws. Thus, in those places where the law is not preventative, we have seen a rise in illegal behavior by a few bad actors.
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