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(CAP) WTB>Integrated circuits, Cotton

Timothy Martin
RJ: Empty Inc
CO: Empty

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Total Posts: 29
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Joined: Apr 23, 2012
I regularly buy Integrated circuits and Cotton from B2B.
I prefer to buy quality good around 15 or higher.
I will never buy toys. Since I produce them for my own need.

So if you have some for sale send me a message and I'll see if I'll need some more.

I'll also regularly sell my excess of Plastic, Vinyl, Polyester, Minerals, Petroleum and Chemicals. All are 15ql and higher. (Well from the next batch onward ;))
Timothy Martin
RJ: Empty Inc
CO: Empty

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 29
Karma: 10
Joined: Apr 23, 2012
Still looking for some cotton.
Cian Kemp
RJ: Cian Kemp
CO: Cian Kemp

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Total Posts: 183
Karma: 58
Joined: Apr 9, 2012
Cotton market seems to have dried up lately. Pandemic Inc. and lipolist used to sell batches of 15ql pretty regularly, but lately I rarely see any up - and when it is up the quantity is low. One of the buyers I was buying a good bit of cotton from sold his company (can't remember the name, list just shows SOLD).

My clothing company has gone from making lots of cotton goods to using nothing but silk and polyester due to the shortage. Econosian teens everywhere must be weeping at the shortage of affordable jeans, khakis, and t-shirts.

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